This entire Star Wars Old Republic Bounty Hunter Guide is an excerpt from the massive SWTOR guide, “SWTOR: Use the Force“. You can find out more and get the full version of this guide here.
We have taken great pains to bring to you the most informative and up-to-date guide we could. Below is a full walkthrough of what you’ll need to do to get from 1-10, followed by a list breakdown, in order of leveling, for your reference.
Class specific quests are designated with a (BH) after them. Bonus quests are marked in red. Group Quests are marked in green.
Speech options that gain you Light side points are designated with (LS+)
Speech options that gain you Dark side points are designated with (DS+)
Remember to use your map if you have trouble locating any objectives – it will provide a much clearer location than any written description could.
SWTOR Bounty Hunter Leveling Guide 1-10 (Hutta)
Starting out, you’ll disembark from your ship and head over to the Poison Pit. After the cutscene, you’ll receive Gauntlet (BH). The idea is to make a name for yourself, on Hutta, by finding and killing a local mark by the name of Vexx. Before leaving the Poison Pit, be sure to talk to Lew Brell and the droid opposite him to pick up Gang Warfare and Deathmark: Fa’athra’s Gang.
Upon leaving the Poison Pit, you’ll find that Hutta is in shambles. Kill 6 of Fa’athra’s gangsters to complete Deathmark: Fa’athra’s Gang and head over to the gang hideout nearby. There you will find Rex Geer, the man in charge of Nem’ro’s street thugs, and Lew Brell’s brother. After talking to Rex, you can decide whether to let Lew’s brother go (LS+) or get paid off by Rex (DS+). Either option gives you the same reward, so don’t worry about it too much.
Head outside and locate Vexx’s Safehouse. Once there, kill 3 of the Hired Thugs to complete Bonus: Clear out Vexx’s Safehouse. Continue on to the back of the house, where you will retrieve a small data pad on a desk. Head back to the Poison Pit for quest turn-ins. On your way back in, be sure to talk to Lew Brell to complete Gang Warfare.
After giving the datapad to Mako, you will be told Vexx’s whereabouts and be given the quest Last Flight (BH) to take down Vexx. While leaving the Poison Pit, speak with Gianna for the quest Dreams of Korriban and the man, in the chair nearby, for Tools of the Trade (BH). Head over to the marketplace south of you and turn in the quest Tools of the Trade (BH). Be sure to train your new skills while there and to return every level or when nearby for more skills.
Now, head over to the Jiguuna Spaceport to speak with Mekks. During the conversation with him, you can choose to let him go and lie to Gianna (LS+) or kill Mekks and tell the boy to go home (DS+). Once that is completed, head to the hangar, marked on your map, to confront Vexx.
Upon entering the hangar, you will find that Vexx is heavily guarded. Kill 15 of Vexx’s crew to complete Bonus: Sending a message. Continue on to the back of the hangar where you will meet and banter with Vexx. Kill him and return to the Poison Pit.
Turn in Dreams of Korriban and head to the back of the building. When you arrive, you will find that your friends are dead. Mako won’t take this lightly, but she will be able to discover who killed them. She will give the quest Big Chief (BH) to meet with Nem’ro, but before you can, you’ll have to do a little dirty work.
Click here to continue the SWTOR Bounty Hunter Leveling Guide as well as leveling guides for every class in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
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