21. Killer’s Belief
Description: Eliminate 25 enemies using any takedown.
It’s optional.
You’ll get this achievement after you kill 25 enemies via the takedown method. Simply, sneak up behind foes and hit them when prompted by the game.
22. And Stay Down
Description: Eliminate 100 enemies using a club.
It’s optional.
You’ll get this achievement after you have killed 100 different enemies using a club. We recommend you focus on using clubs at the beginning of the game to get this as quickly as possible, because later on, you’ll need to vary your strategy.
23. Skewered
Description: Eliminate 100 enemies using a spear.
It’s optional.
Just kill 100 different foes using a spear. We reckon you’ll get it by end-game if you like to spice things up, and switch weapons on the go.
24. Sharpshooter
Description: Eliminate 100 enemies using a bow.
It’s optional.
Just kill 100 different foe using a bow. This may be a little bit tricky, because not everyone likes to play with a bow. Try to focus on playing only with the bow for few hours until you get this trophy.
25. Inflammable
Description: Eliminate 50 enemies with fire.
It’s optional.
This is a fairly easy trophy. In order to set enemies ablaze, ignite one of your weapons and start a killing spree. You can also throw fire bombs at your foes. To get them, you have to learn how to craft them – capture the Fire Screamers Fort.
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