Last month we had the pleasure of playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag, So Many Me on Xbox One, and Plants Vs. Zombies, Gears of War 3 on Xbox 360. For Xbox Games With Gold August 2015, their official website announced an action-packed month, and I gotta say, it's one fantastic line-up of free Xbox games. If you never played a Metal Gear Solid title, this is the perfect time to do so. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zero which is a prologue to the … [Read more...]
Zombie Game Dying Light Will Hit the Stores on January 27th
According to a news release by Techland, Dying Light, its highly-anticipated action survival game, will hit the stores in 2015 on January 27th in North America, January 28th in Australia and New Zealand, and January 30th in Europe and Asia. That's slightly ahead of schedule, as the game was previously supposed to launch sometime in February 2015. Nevertheless originally the game was scheduled to arrive this fall. When it's released, Dying … [Read more...]
Destiny Awaits You for the Experience of the Year
The video game studio that’s behind Halo is releasing a supposedly new blockbuster hit Tuesday, called Destiny. It is reportedly the most expensive video game ever made. The game will be in stores on September 9 and it will put players in the role of guardians of the last city on Earth, with enemies to battle, special powers to wield, and planets to explore. in other words, Destiny awaits you for the experience of the year. This is Bungie’s … [Read more...]
Madden NFL 13 Guide – Our Madden NFL 13 Guide is available now!
It's finally done! Our extensive collection of information, guides, etc. for Madden NFL 13 is officially available. Be sure to head on over to eBay and check out our Madden NFL 13 Guide and get it instantly to gives you bonus access to our website database of Madden NFL 13 information and guides as well as free updates for life! … [Read more...]
Protected: Madden NFL 13 Ultimate Strategy Guide – Guide Database
This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: … [Read more...]
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim update that supports Kinect coming soon
Bethesda Softworks announced today that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for XBox 360 will soon have Kinect support. The update will be available as a free title update and is expected to release later this month. Skyrim Kinect for XBox 360 will feature more than 200 voice commands. … [Read more...]
Sine Mora (XBLA) Review
When I was first approached about writing a review for Sine Mora I thought to myself “Oh great, this shouldn’t take long at all! An XBLA scroller can't have that much depth!” Boy was I wrong. Describing this game is no easy task. It’s unlike other side scrolling shooters in the sense that it has a very immersive and intricate story. It pulls you in, tries not to let go, and kicks some ass in the process. … [Read more...]
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Release Date Leaked
A while back Amazon France placed a very barely detailed listing for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 but no one took it seriously. Earlier today though retailer Fnac posted a full posting of the game alongside a November Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 release date. It's sent then been pulled down, but not before people were able to snap a screenshot of the listing. In all honesty though, does this "leak" even surprise anyone? Call of Duty games … [Read more...]
It’s official: Assassin’s Creed 3 taking place during the American Revolution
It's been rumored for a little while now, and GameInformer certainly didn't help when they accidentally released a logo showing a american revolution era assassin donning a tomahawk and musket sneaking up on George Washington, but now it's official. … [Read more...]
BioShock Infinite Release Date Announced
I'll keep this short and sweet. 2K Games announced today that BioShock Infinite will be released in North American on October 16th of this year for XBox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. It will become available internationally just three days later on October 19th. It will be great. You will buy it. That is all. … [Read more...]