Microsoft announced that the Xbox One wireless controller PC adapter will start selling on the 20th of October 2015. This means that you can use your Xbox One controller on your PC without that annoying USB cable. This adapter will also enable your Xbox One controller to be used on tablets without bridging the two with a cable, Microsoft has announced. The dongle is listed on the official Microsoft website with a release date of October the … [Read more...]
The Shovel Knight Amiibo is Real, Thanks Nintendo
Nintendo is making indie efforts and I'm starting to really love them - my love for them hasn't faded that much, but we kinda drifted apart since the dawn of 2015. The Shovel Knight Amiibo is as real as it can get, and it's coming to Wii U. We all know that Microsoft and Sony have been dominating the current gen console war so far. PlayStation 4 is in the lead with Xbox One breathing down on its neck. Third party developers, and indie studios … [Read more...]
New Destiny Exotics Unveiled, Check Them Right Here
Bungie promised a while back that they are adding more Exotics in their new Taken King DLC. This may be a strategy to alleviate the huge consumer backlash, which started when gamers found out that it's going to cost $40. Today, Xûr revealed on Instagram new Destiny Exotics. The first one is an Empyrean Bellicose Titan helmet and it looks just to die for. The official description for the item reads that even though it's from a bygone Golden … [Read more...]
Xbox One Does What The PS4 Can’t, Says Kudo Tsunoda
Kudo Tsunoda, an Xbox executive, says in a recent interview that the Xbox One has a lot more up its sleeve than Sony's PlayStation 4, or any other gaming platforms. As a matter of fact, it's quite superior, even though it's on par performance-wise. Tsunoda continues to add that the Xbox One has backwards compatibility, but that isn't the most important feature of Microsoft's gaming console. Cross-play, and cross-buy with the PC is what gives … [Read more...]
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Beta Game Modes, and File Size
Take a look, and see if you've got 15 GB of free space for the Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Beta which starts on August the 19th on PS4. The PS4 COD:BO3 version, which begins on the 19th of August, will let players choose from seven game modes: Capture the Flag, Search and Destroy, Demolition, Hardpoint, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and the classic Team Deathmach. These seven game modes will be playable on three maps. Activision describes them … [Read more...]
Resident Evil 2 Remake Confirmed, No Specific Platform ATM
Capcom has officially announced that the Resident Evil 2 Remake isn't just based on rumors. The Resident Evil developer is working hard to bring the PlayStation One survival-horror classic gem to next gen consoles, and the PC. Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, who worked as a producer for the Resident Evil HD Remaster, which was released at the beginning of this year, has announced via video his following projects - Resident Evil 2 Remake was among … [Read more...]
The Taken King Destiny DLC Costs $40. Here’s Why
The Taken King Destiny expansion will cost $40, and it will hit your digital shelf next month. The last two expansions were priced at just $20 each. Bungie, the developer behind Destiny issued an explanation on why their new The Taken King Destiny DLC costs an arm, a leg, and then some. … [Read more...]
The International 5 Dota Championship Rampage
Tomorrow marks the last day for The International 5 Dota 2 Championship, and with a prize pool of about $18,262,353, with $6,574,447 going to the winner, e-sports may soon become more appealing to the average Joe-gamer. In this post, we cover this international DOTA championship in greater detail. Be warned, the following article on the DOTA championship will feature match spoilers, so if you're saving those streamed episodes for this weekend, … [Read more...]
Virtual Reality Games That You Might Not Have Heard Of
Sony's Project Morpheus, Facebook-owned Oculus Rift, Microsoft's HoloLens, and let's not forget Steam, and their alliance with HTC, are the key players in the industry, so far. When the trend exploded a couple of years ago, virtual reality games were at their beginnings, but thanks to VR headset manufacturers - which have pumped, are pumping, and will keep pumping money in the indie industry, VR games are also starting to make a stance. We all … [Read more...]
The Top 5 Game Genres
With so many fun games to play, from video games to puzzles, board games, and even games that you can download as apps on your tablet and smartphone, you may be wondering which genres are the most popular, particularly in the world of video games. After all, whether you play video games online, on your mobile devices, or on a console like PlayStation or Xbox, you can expect to come across a wide array of games for both children and … [Read more...]