Fighting games are notorious for having weak plots and two-dimensional characters. This Injustice 2 review will prove that it is possible to have an amazing fighting game with a compelling story. Of course, it helps when you have the entire DC cabinet of toys to play with, including the full line of the Justice League.
This captivating sequel expands on the comic line and adds a new dimension to characters we all know. You will have the chance to play as the Dark Knight, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the greatest foe of Gotham, The Joker. Maybe you prefer the raw power of Superman himself and want to dish out some justice of your own? Whatever you like about this universe of characters, there's something for everybody in Injustice 2.
Comparison Table
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What Is Injustice 2?
This game is a flat style fighting game where two opponents face off in a series of matches. It’s a familiar formula with the super-powered flavors of DC comics thrown into the mix. While playing as a velociraptor or Sub-Zero in older games have been fun, it really can’t compare to playing as Batman or Superman. The game could be fine with just a simple match based fighting system, but it doesn’t stop there.

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This Injustice 2 review took us down a dark path in the other-worlds story of the famous Justice League, adding in a rich narrative that’s rare in games of this type. We particularly enjoy the interplay between different factions of characters where sometimes villains like Harley Quinn are forced to align with Batman because Superman has gone evil. Yeah, let that thought soak in for a while and tell us you don’t want to play
What You Need To Know
There isn’t too much we can say that would make the mechanics of the game sound new and innovative. But don't let that sway you because everything that seems stale and underwhelming in other modern fighting games has been reinvigorated in this title. There are great new features in this sequel, like the Gear Box system for rewarding players, or the great random choice replay value in matches, just to name a few of our favorites. This game really gets the basics right, something often neglected in fighting games.
The Story
Taking place after the catastrophic events of Gods Amongst Us, Injustice 2 follows Batman and his patchwork team of rebels as they try to recover from the defeat and capture of a despotic Kal El. With Superman defeated and imprisoned, a new villain arrives to fill the vacuum: Brainiac. This glutton for knowledge has come to Earth to not only kill the last Kryptonian (finishing what he started when he initially destroyed Krypton and all the people on it) but to enslave the beleaguered people of Earth as well.
It’s up to Batman and his faction, including Aqua-Man, Cat Woman, and yes, even Harley Quinn, to defeat Brainiac and save the world yet again.
The Fighters
This game has everyone but the kitchen sink—but that might come in a later update. Not only do you have access to multiple eras of Justice League members, but there are even multi-generational options like the Jay Garrick Flash or the John Stewart Green Lantern. If the stock collection of characters don’t get you, how about the Joker, Lex Luthor, or even Mister Freeze?
To further convince you, then might we add: there is an excellent DLC that gives you the chance to fight as one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Yes, you read that correctly.
The Combat

The combat system is standard for this type of game. There’s not much we can dissect from this collection of mechanics, save to say it’s not for beginning players prone to button mashing. The directional-based timed fighting system used in this game takes getting used to. The added frustration is watered down by a good balance of difficulty settings, making the option to train and familiarize yourself with certain characters just a matter of practice.
This game is available at most online digital retailers for $15 to $25, with a range of editions and console packages included. Compared to the other games we checked out for this Injustice 2 review, it was one of the least expensive.
How It Compares
We picked a few similar products available on the market to see how they compare for this Injustice 2 review.
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The fights are epic—in the beginning. Though two experienced players can continue to have memorable and challenging matchups, the replay value of the typical pairings can grow stale. Replay value is stifled by the gratuitous cut scenes that interrupt the flow of play.
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The Kombat tournament of the multi-realm is back, again, and it’s as bloody as ever. Activision has been consistent with this series, with little pretension towards being anything other than a fun fighting game. The plot isn’t bad, per se, but it’s not the thing people come for when they want to fight their friends. This edition of the series was produced by the same team that made Injustice: Gods Amongst Us, so there are a lot of familiar elements shared between these two animated side-fighters.
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There are several new playable characters besides all the franchise favorites, plus three variations to each one on the playable board. That number of fighting variations leads to exciting matchups every time, pitting diverse move collections and play styles against one another. The classic challenge tower is still in the game, this time adding new challenges to changing match styles as you climb up the ladder of success.
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This is the most expensive game we played for this Injustice 2 review, which is astounding when you consider the fact it’s the twelfth sequel to the original King of Fighters. There is a general rule for long-running franchises in entertainment: it only gets worse over time. The King of Fighters XIII is the exception to that rule as the series developers have embraced new visual advancements and fighting game trends. This was a popular arcade machine overseas, so when the consoles had time to port the game for a global market, they gave it everything they had. There’s an expanded character roster, new environments to fight in, and a whole new series of power moves with new build mechanics.
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With the introduction of a second combo bar, called the Hyperdrive, you can time your use of special and super moves in tandem. This gives you the ability to stack hit combos like never before. The characters can deliver punishing combinations of moves once they learn how this new system works.
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From the same studio that developed the popular Guilty Gear series comes the final contender in this Injustice 2 review. This is another fighting game where third-dimension models are placed against a two-dimensional plane. It looks great, especially considering it’s near the decade mark since the initial release. Battle Fantasia was originally a popular arcade cabinet in Japan which was later developed for the PS3 & Xbox 360 generation of consoles and brought over to the United States. It was and still is a big hit worldwide. Though it’s not available for later generations of consoles, it is still available online and at second-hand game traders.
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Battle Fantasia is fun and cartoonish, which can get annoying for someone that likes to play for marathon sessions—oh, and they are not a Nintendo fan. This has a lot in common with Super Smash Brothers. Battle Fantasia is fun and engaging in short bursts, which is perfect for an arcade cabinet, but maybe not so much at home.
Injustice 2 Review: Final Verdict
We compared some serious titles for this Injustice 2 Review, and we enjoyed all of them. But, there was no experience as satisfying as the one we had playing the Injustice sequel. The story was engaging and felt natural in the DC universe. There were so many fun combinations of playable characters we could see great replay value if you and some friends just want to throw down for a couple of matches. It’s because of these reasons we give this game four out of five stars.
Last update on 2023-06-04 at 04:14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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