Titan Souls seems like a nifty little game, but once you take control of your avatar, and start shooting arrows at your enemies, you’ll soon realize that there is much more to it than just pushing a button. This isn’t a Titan Soul review, it’s just a guide for the average Joe to unlock everything!
We’ve written a comprehensive Titan Souls review if you care to read one – fair warning, it didn’t receive the award for best pc game.
We’re somewhat accustomed to Devolver Digital adding secret modes, and a ton of achievements, trophies, in their creations. We have witnessed other Devolver games sport hidden secrets – so it’s safe to say that there is something to look for once you’ve finished Titan Souls.
Now, let’s push forward and tackle this soul eater!
Titan Souls Guide – How to Unlock Game Modes
As you may clearly now by now, Titan Souls wishes to be a Dark Souls copy – in the good, and not so good way. It’s one hell of a game, but by God, it’s one of the hardest video-games I have ever played. My room mate Waldemar names it the Soul Surfer – because of how the game crushes your spirit wave after waver.
But I digress!
There are 4 modes that can be unlocked.
- Hard Mode – You need to beat the game once to unlock it!
- Ironman Mode – You need to beat the game once to unlock it!
- No Dodge, and Run Mode – You need to beat the game once to unlock it!
- Truth Mode – Beat all of the bosses, complete the game, and kill the last secret boss!
Now, the first 3 modes can be unlocked fairly easy, you just need to beat Titan Souls – hihi, easy I said. Anyway, but everyone seems to have problems finding the secret boss. Here’s a video link on how to find the hidden soul muncher in Grave Ruins.
See? It wasn’t that hard finding him. It may be hard beating him, but don’t fret. We’ve got a Titan Souls Guide on How to Beat All of the Bosses coming up in a couple of days, so be sure to check out our website tomorrow!
Titan Souls Guide – How to Unlock Achievements/Trophies
Now, the Titan Souls game doesn’t have different achievements for the PC, when you compare it to the PS4, and Vita versions, so we’ll just bundle them up together. The only difference is that on the PC they’re named achievements, and on the PS4, and Vita they’re named trophies. Big woop!
It will require you about 10 hours to garner all of the trophies, but it seriously depends on your gaming skills – Once you’ve unlocked them all, you’ll receive a Platinum Trophy; it’s only available for Titan Souls PS4, and Vita versions of the game.
- Out of the Frying Pan
It can’t be missed really, because it requires the player to open the first sealed gate.
- Into the Fire
Ha, I see what you did there Devolver Digital!
It’s also story related, and cannot be missed. It requires you to open the second sealed gate.
- First Blood
The player is tasked with defeating his first Titan – doesn’t matter which, you just need to taste the sweetness of victory!
- Titan Soul
Once you’ve defeated all of the bosses you’ll get this achievement, and trophy.
- Truth
Now, this can be easily missed – and I missed it too on my first playthrough. You’ve got the video guide in the How to Unlock Game Modes area – just watch it, and see how you can get to the event. It’s named the Truth because this is the real final boss – and can be completed only after you’ve beaten all of your foes.
- Iron Titan
I recommend you to tackle Iron Mode with Hard Mode activated. Why on Earth would I do such a thing, you may ask. Well, firstly because you can unlock three achievements, or trophies, at once, and your enemy’s patterns aren’t all that different. I’m just telling you that you’re going to waste time playing those two modes on different playthroughs!
The slightly changed boss patterns won’t pose as a major problem if you take your time and complete the game in one day, or sitting.
If you complete the Iron Titan achievement you’ll also unlock the New Game+, and the Iron Human achievement.
Don’t get crazy and kill all the bosses – you just need seven of them in order to unlock the last one. I recommend you battle with: The Mask Titan, The Stationary Titan mainly because it isn’t a fight at all, and it will count as a battle won, The Plant Titan, The Teeth Titan, The Underwater Snake Titan, The Rolling Titan, and The Blob Titan.
But it’s up to you in what order, or what bosses you really want to fight.
You’ll need to employ your most careful tactics, because Iron Mode means that you have just one life, and if you die, well, then the game ends for real, and you need to start it again from the beginning. Yikes, really. How can you do it then? Well, unless you truly want to finish it legitimately, there is a safety measure trick that you can adopt. You’ll have to back-up your save after each battle you’ve won. How can you do this?
After each boss fight won, quit the game because it automatically saves – just be patient and wait for the save icon to disappear. Then go to your PS4 dashboard, then Application Saved Data Management. From here you can upload your files to the cloud, or copy them on a USB dongle. If you’re playing Titan Souls on a PC, then go to the folder location where the game was installed and find the save files there – it may be in Documents, in the Titan Souls folder.
Also, you an unlock the Iron God achievement, if you defeat the secret boss in this particular setting. I don’t recommend you to pair it with Hard Mode because you’ll throw your controller at the nearest human being out of sheer frustration. You’ll have a love/hate relationship with Titan Souls.
- Aerodynamics
This is the hardest one of all to be honest, because it requires you to beat the game in under 20 minutes. But what’s the catch? How can I finish a game in under 20 minutes, if it requires me almost 5 hours to beat it? Well, practice makes perfect young padawan. I don’t expect of you to unlock this trophy on your first playthrough, because you need to know the fastest way to beat a boss, and the fastest way to reach them.
I recommend skipping the first four Titan Souls bosses, because they are annoyingly difficult sometimes, and because there are other easier ones. My personal favorites are: The Face Fiend in the graveyard, The Mimic in the ruins, The Rolling Boss, The Blob, and The Skull in the lava area, and The Teeth, and Yeti bosses in the snow area.
There is also a sort of bug present in Titan Souls. It will stop the timer once you’ve battled, and won, the Gol-Set event – it’s triggered randomly, and there is no repro rate.
- Hard Bizkit
You need to finish the game without rolling once! Okay, I can do that. But wait there’s more! You have to finish the game without sprinting once!
No, you’re not doomed, stop grovelling. Here’s how you do it. You battle the next Titan Souls bosses without using your abilities, just shoot them until they drop: The Face Boss, The Second Hidden Boss in the graveyard, The Vine Boss in the forest area, The Mimic in the ruins, The Rolling Boss, and The Skull in the lava area, and The Ice Serpent, and The Yeti Boss in the snow area.
It’s not accomplishable in Hard Mode, because it would be impossible to complete.
- Laser Eye Surgery
You need to kill the eye cube while pulling back your arrow. Just wait for the proper time, and strike.
- Drug Trial
You need to succumb to the effect of spores for about 30 seconds total. Sounds easy, right? It’s far from it. Titan Souls makes it specifically hard to accomplish this one. The easiest way that I found to unlock this achievement is to battle Obello and wait for the right time to jump into its spores after the purple projectiles appear – just follow their trail and succumb to their miasma.
- Demo Man
You need to kill the knight after destroying the pillars, and of course, the achievement will only be unlocked while fighting The Knight Boss.
It’s fairly simple actually, you need to let the Titan Souls fiend destroy the 6 pillars – 3 on each side – by purposely hiding behind them, and letting The Knight hit them instead of you. After that, just kill it how you know best!
- Come at Me Bro
This achievement requires you to kill the rolling titan in under 5 seconds. Fairly easy, but it will take you a couple of times to perfect this strategy. Once you get inside the room shoot an arrow, and immediately retreat with your back against the wall where the door was. Now quickly pull your arrow back. You’ll have a limited time-frame to shoot back at it because the Titan Souls decrepit fiend will strike fast, and hard!
- Leak Spin
This one requires you to kill the skull titan while it spins.
Enter the event area, shoot at it and make the skull titan follow you. Wait for it to spin, don’t move, and once it turns with its face towards you shoot to kill. It may require some fleeing, but you’ll get there!
Beating the Yeti
In under 10 seconds of course – you didn’t thought it was an easy trophy, did you? This isn’t how Titan Souls rolls baby – it actually spins, deadly!
Shoot at it to start the event, and quickly move to the left of the screen. The Yeti will start to throw snow-balls at you, and once he’s finished doing so, it will start rolling towards you. With a quick, and precise step movement, avoid him, and the falling snowy debris from the ceiling, and wait until he lands with his back at you.
- Titanic
Now, this one is a little bit of fun, and it also sports a vengeancy feel to it. You need to destroy all the icebergs that you encounter in the ice serpent event.
Start the event, and just wait the fight out. Jump from iceberg to iceberg right before the serpent strikes at your location. Sure, you’ll eventually die, but you’ll get the trophy.
- A Collision of Souls
You need to understand from the get-go that Titan Souls wishes you dead every second you play the game. In order to achieve this task, you need to knock yourself out in the last battle with the Soul. You’ll encounter your doppelgänger that will fire much faster than you, and its arrow will be electrified.
He will try to steal your arrow. Let him do so, and moreover, let him shoot it at you. It will be electrified, and it will bounce around the place. Now, when this happens, you need to pull your arrow back. It will kill you, but you’ll get the trophy!
- Shadow of the Giant
This Titan Souls achievement will require you to kill the broken, stone titan by pulling your arrow back.
Once you enter the event area, shoot your arrow, and retreat a little bit because the stone monster will try to pummel you. Pull your arrow back, but let it stop half-way through. Now manoeuvre yourself to the back of the boss by dodging its fists and pull back your arrow completely.
- Slimeball
Kill the sludge boss with no more possible divisions. This means that you have to kill each and every one of his division before delivering the killing blow!
- Short Back and Sides
It’s just like going to the barber shop and asking for the traditional short back and sides, except in Titan Souls you won’t experience a feel of dread and frustration once the event is finished – I hate my barber.
Anyway, you’re tasked with cutting all the vines off from the titan. It will require you to be patient, and manoeuvre yourself carefully between the four vines. You’ll need to cut off all the nodules in order for them to fully disappear, and they can receive damage only when they’re on the ground.
- Dental Plan
This is a personal favourite of mine – I could have said If I were a deranged man. You need to remove all of the Mountain Giant’s teeth. Who was in charge of the Titan Souls achievements? I must know so I can send him a bag full of exploding glitter. I hate going to the dentist, and I hate having to get a tooth pulled. This achievement was a nightmare for me.
In order to do so, you’ll need to be patient – like in every Titan Souls boss fight – and let him hit himself. He’s going to spawn that little tower that emits a freezing ray. Trick the fiend into striking his own mouth, and then kill it!
- The Switch
This achievement can only be unlocked while batling Gol-Set. Once he is prepare to fight, he’ll throw his fists at you. Let him slam down the switches and kill it – HA! This isn’t the jest of it! You need to trick him into slamming down the left switch with his right fist, and the right switch with his left fist. Not an easy task to do, and you’ll get it in a couple of tries. Titan Souls just loves that you’ll be coming back for more pummelling.
- Bomber Titan
You need to drop a bomb on the lava Blob’s head.
Manoeuvre yourself quickly to the back of the room, and slowly, but surely, try to lure the blob towards a corner. He’ll try to throw a bomb at you, only it won’t connect – it will bounce off of the wall, and straight into his big doofus head! Titan Souls gameplay is a little bit tricky sometimes, and other times it feels too easy – and I just heard the sound of a million gamers typing away hate messages about how I suck at video-games. I shall live with the consequences!
- Ca$h Mon£y
Yeah, it’s spelled like that. In the chest fight, you need to produce 50 coins.
The titan will spit out coins so it can block your path, you just need to wait, and run in a circle until he produces 50 coins. No need to kill him, because the achievement doesn’t require so.
- Brain Freeze
You have to give it to the Titan Souls developers, they sure know how to name achievements.
You need to kill the brain with a flaming arrow.
The Brain Boss is encased in a frozen cube, you just need to a) shoot a flaming arrow to get him out of his frozen cage, and b) shoot a flaming arrow to kill him. This has to be the easiest Titan Souls achievement – just wait for the flame in the middle of room to appear and voilà!
This is the end of our Titan Souls Unlockables article. Hope you manage to get 100% out of it. If you’re having problems, just post in the comments section down below, and I’ll try to reply as soon as possible with a solution to your issue!
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